My house is about 7,000 square feet, 3o rooms and and I've been using Insteon switches and outlets throughout the house for years now. Initially, the hard wiring of the house was confusing, and made no sense. I replaced 3-way, 4-way, 5-way and even 6-way switches with Insteon switches.The Insteon hub is compatible with Alexa, so I can voice control with Alexa and/or with Insteon on my phone.
I also have installed Fire tablets as power over internet wall units to connecto to alexa, which allows me to control the home lighting from wall units. I have four Ring door cameras and one Google camera as well. When there's snow, the snow mitigation system can be turned on to melt the snow with Alexa control of an Insteon outlet. Insteon outlets contro our outdoor lighting (seven zones) and landscape lighting (2 zones front and back). Verbalizing commands like "Echo fireplace lights 30%" or "Echo theater 5%" or "Echo pool lights 20%" on my cell phone or on any room will execute the command since each room either has a wall fire tablet or Amazon Echo device to control the Insteon switches or outlets.
I have nested the rooms to each floor. So "Echo main floor off" will turn off all the lights of each of the 10 rooms of the first floor.
The most impressive part of the Insteon switches are they can be manually programmed without a hub and without the need for wifi. Once programmed, power outages, do not wipe out the programming. That's crucial.
While remodelling this house I ran into cumbersome wiring. For example, from the second floor bedroom I could not turn off certain outdoor zones off, any lights on the first floor, basement and garage off. I would need to manually go down and make sure everything was turned off. Now I can say "Echo main floor/basement/outdoor lights off" from my bedroom (or anywhere). I no longer have to go down to the basement to close every room light off. I have programmed the multiroom capability to a few Insteon Keypad so that I can turn off entire zones of the house with a keypad. I can turn off the basement or main floor or second floor lights with a keypad on the second floor hallway.Once programmed, the keypad retains its connections even if wifi is off or after power outage is restored. No reprogramming needed. The second floor keypad has a "room" called hallway. At night I may say "Echo hallway 5%" or I may press the hallway button on the insteon keypad dimmer and dim seven zones of hallway lighting throughout the house for nightime navigation. This "hallway programming" was done manually-i.e. without using the cell phone or hub. You simply manually link the particular keyboard dimmer button with however many switches you want. If you're using dimmer switches throughout, pressing the particular key (I use the 8 key keypads) will dim however many lights you have manually linked to the keypad key. You can also program this directly, but manual programming works well too.